Lapband Surgery in Mexico?
Obviously I am biased but I think Mexico is a bad idea. Sure, they're good at the operation but so am I, that doesn't really differentiate them. The problem with going to Mexico, and you can ask any of my patients if they agree and I think they will, is that the actual operation is just the tip of the iceburg. Your success depends largely on the support that you get over the following years after your surgery. With Mexico you get zero, after the operation it's over. Not to mention that you may have a hard time finding someone to do your adjustments. I know for our center I'm already booked into November for my own patients, I certainly don't have time in my schedule to take care of other surgeon's patients. This is the dirty little secret that they don't tell you when you talk to these surgeon's offices. We get calls from patients all the time who say that Dr. So-and-so in Tijuana (whom I've never heard of usually) said that he's a good friend of yours and that you would adjust my band that I just had installed 3 weeks ago, which is a blatant lie. I even called one surgeon's office about it and of course they denied it. I think they just look on ObesityHelp and find a surgeon in the patient's area and give them the number. I even had one patient who called me at 2 a.m. who had surgery in Mexico and wanted me to rush to the hospital to unfill her because she was too tight and couldn't swallow.
Anyways, I'll get off my soap box.
Good luck wherever you go!
Dr. C
The Deaconess Surgical Weight Loss Center
Cincinnati, Ohio (513) 559-2545
Can I get the lapband here in Ohio? My husband is an anesthesiologist and said I could have it done IF I could find an Ohio surgeon who would do it. But at 5'1" and almost 180 pounds they say I am too "small"!! I am relatively healthy but with having had a complete hyterectomy, aging, and trying every diet only to end up heavier than before, I am tired and need the help of something to reinforce and retrain my eating habits. My GP thinks it would be great but so far I cannot find a physician who will preform the surgery. Actually, I don't even get past the receptionist after they hear my stats. I would be self-pay. I would at least like to be seen and evaluated by the physician. For someone like me, this is something that would give me just the extra help I need to keep from sliding into total obesity. I can't jog anymore because the weight makes my hip hurt. I stay home full-time and am too close to the problem all the time. I have tried Jenny Craig (the food has too many preservatives) , Weigh****chers, Optifast, and it is always the same. I get fatter and fatter.
I have no problem banding patients like you with a BMI of 34. It's a no-brainer in my opinion. Why wait until obesity becomes a life-threatening problem when we can take care of it now when you're such a low-risk patient. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. I would not offer you a bypass because the risk is greater, but if you can get silicone boobs why can't you get a silicone band around your stomach with the same amount of risk involved to make you healthier and live longer!
Dr. C
The Deaconess Surgical Weight Loss Center
Cincinnati, Ohio (513) 559-2545
I know nothing about Mexico except why go so far? We have such good Drs. right here in Ohio. I almost went to West Va. and that was to far for aftercare. Listen to Dr.Curry, he is so good and he know exactly what he is talking about. There can be problems after and you need to be close. I had a stricture about 1 month out and thank God I could go 8 miles istead having to go to Mexico,
I have heard of a lot of patients having surgery in Mexico but I really agree with Dr. Curry. It isn't a great idea because of the follow-up.
Also, you really don't know who the doctors are there. I am sure there are many good ones but who is to say if you will get one of them. I broke my arm in Mexico about 3 years ago. I went to the hospital with my elbow swollen like you wouldn't believe. I had rocks embedded in my hand and shoulder. The doctor took an X-ray on a machine that looked like it should be in a museum and reported back that it wasn't broken. He had nothing else to say. When I asked what was wrong with it .. was it sprained he just replied "it might be". He gave me some prescriptions that I had never heard of. I didn't get them filled. I went for a week in Mexico in terrible pain, unable to move my arm. When I came back to Ohio I went straight to the ER to find out that my arm was indeed broken. It was a miserable experience. I am not saying that all doctors in Mexico are like that but you just never know.
Good luck,
I had a BMI of 38 and I was miserable 8 months after the lapband
My BMI is 29
OVERWEIGHT! YIPPIE. I really enjoy reading the OH board and Dr C. posts He seems to be a caring doctor something you just don't fine to often. As far as Mexico, I think you should stay in the states and see Dr. C. You really need to consider after care which is very, very important. Good luck to you and keep us posted.