Need a WLS friend
I'm not sure at what point you can ask for an angel so I'm asking for a friend.
I've started the process and the insurance company is being downright hateful. From my husbands employer I found out that they are actually self insured and that Aetna is merely acting as an agent. This procedure has to be approved by the employing company, but Aetna told the clinic not to even bother filing because it's a direct exclusion. The clinic told me that their policy prevents them from filing after an insurance company tells them that. I've convinced them otherwise. Funny thing is, Aetna forgot to put anything about an exclusion in the policy book for the company. HR told me to go forward with the claim and go through the appeal process and it seems that you can't if they won't even give a denial in writing.
I really need to surround myself with positive people so I can keep up the good fight! I need a friend that understands what I'm going through and can remind me that this is just one more step in the fight to save my life. Thank you!
You know I am not sure at when you reach out for an angel. But I know you will find plenty of Love and support right here. I didnt have an angel going into to surgery, but I had so many people praying for me, calling me, visiting me it was wonderful. People I had never met face to face were right there with me every step of the way.
SO welcome to the group and take your shoes off and get comfy.. You will want to stick around.
Love and hugs,
Hi Jacquelyn, Isn't insurance a big ol pain in the a$$????I had a fight with trying to get my approval (though, the hardest part was really trying to get the surgeon's office to move quicker in my case). I am here if you need some support and encouragement. Keep yer chin up and let 'em have it. If you're meant to have this surgery, it will all happen at the right time. come to support group here in Reynoldsburg next Monday. We meet at Reynoldsburg united Methodist Church on Graham Rd. The meeting is from 6-8:30 in rm 220. The address is 1636 Graham Rd. I will be bringing a sample of something delicious to share with everyone and I have a surprise topic to discuss with everyone. I hope you'll be there. Some other people from this side of town will be there as well. You could buid your own little network of support right here.