Golden Corral
We went to Golden Corral this morning for breakfast. I understood I could get a container and have my food weighed and just pay for that amount and eat with my friend. After I got my food, I was informed that I could not eat it in the restaurant. Since we had paid for my friend and she already had her food, I was forced to leave my food uneaten (I refused to pay for it as well).
I have sent an email to their corporate office complaining about this practice, as it discriminates against gastric bypass people. I have also decided to ask folks to boycott GC in response to this practice. This is the first place I have encountered that will not accomodate folks like us. I asked if I could have children's prices and they said no to that as well.
Let's start a campaign to let these and other restaurants that have this policy how unfair their practices are.
Gastric Bypass People Unite!!!!
Hi Julie, I just wanted to know how your sugars are. I still have issues and have to take two pills a day and it runs about 140. It is sure better than 300 I was before and even on insulin. I took 2 shots a day,50 units each time . No more insulin but since I am almost 57 I think I will always be on the pills even at 110 lbs lighter. Thanks ,Cindy
My response might not be popular, but I don't believe that it's the responsibility of a restaurant to have policies that cater to gastric bypass, cardiac, kosher, low-sodium low-cholesterol and diabetic diets.
I haven't darkened the doorstep of a single buffet since I had this surgery for a few reasons. One, there's no humanly possible way I could eat enough to justify the price, second is that overall these types of buffets have greasy, deep fried, high calorie food. The only thing I might possibly want to eat would be something from the salad bar. Not to mention that I don't want to remind myself that I would go to these sorts of places before surgery and overeat.
I'm sorry that your experience wasn't good Julie, but I try and choose places that I know I can get something that fits in with my eating plan without asking for a lot of accomodation on the part of the restaurant. Cracker Barrel will let anyone order from the children's menu. Grilled chicken tenderloin and a small tossed salad or whatever else suits your fancy. Bob Evans will allow anyone to order from the Senior menu. Many places have half portions, I know Applebees does for salads.

I understand your response. My point as well ,is I shouldn't expect my partner to have to sacrifice things she likes to accomodate my diet. There were things there I could eat. What I'm trying to say is my request was not unresonable, I got my food to be weighed and I was willing to pay for it. Not being "allowed" to eat it in the restaurant was what I found unacceptable, plus then being watched by the manager and our waiter to make sure I did not eat off of my partner's plate. They were quite blatant about it. I don't expect restaurants to "cater" to me because of my surgery, but I would expect better customer service than what I experienced today.
I do not normally eat at buffets, nor do I eat greasy food, food high in fat, etc. In fact I hardly eat much at all at a sitting. My point is: In today's culture of "customer satisfaction," one would expect better service. I realize this is not one of the finer restaurants, and I do make it a point to eat in better establishments when eating out, but this morning it was what my partner wanted, so I went along.
On a different subject: Has anyone ever had a "pick line" inserted and if so, what exactly does it entail?
Hi Julie..
I had a PCC line in for a couple of months 3 years ago before my WLS..I was very ill, was in the hospital for about a month..I had to have a home nurse come to my house and administer meds through the line every day. The cool thing about the PCC line is that they took blood through the line rather than my hand and arms or anywhere else they could find a blood was drawn so many times I was black and blue..I kept blowing veins that's the reason they put it in...
I thought it was rather nice.. They did take me into a special area in the hospital ( almost like a surgery room)to place it in me though, I felt nothing while they did it..the are was numbed first.
Well, I think I'm going to have a PC line to get nutrients...apparently I've lost too much weight (who woulda thunk) and the doctor wants to do this. Where do they put it and does it impair movement or anything? I'm really kind of scared about this. I have been eating more and have put on a few pounds. I really blame the extra weight loss on the stress of buying a house the last month and having a molar pulled two weeks ago. I hope when I go to the doctor Tues. that he will give me a chance to try and put on weight myself before the PC thing.
and, back to the Golden Corral ...I never saw any posting about adults not eating children's meals or not being able to buy small portions, weigh them and eat in the restaurant. We scoured every wall inside and outside the building and found nothing. Perhaps they had come down or were destroyed, but they weren't there. And again, I respect their policy if they must have it, what I don't appreiciate is the way I was treated in front of other customers. I was very polite through the whole process and was treated very badly.