Confrence you can read about it here, then contact Brenda here on the board about registery if you decide to go. Or just register though that link.

Hey folks..I can't email the registration form, I had a computer virus and just started reloading my computer, I don't have any of my programs in yet. It's a slow boring process..
if you have access to a fax machine let me know I will be happy to do that or we can arrange for you to call me with the info..

Am I right that after you have registered that you just show up and there will be name tags, or registration at the event itself?
I am part of the OSU group and as of earlier this week, I still hadn't seen the charge come through on my credit card.
I'm a bit of a compulsive organizer and I always like to make sure I am prepared. We have our room booked, just now waiting for the rest. I know that our organizer went through Bo, and with him getting hitched - things might be a bit behind.
Hi Anna
you are correct that you just come in to the registration table and pick up a name tag after they check your name off.
you are also correct that Bo McCoy got
he got married on the ObesityHelp cruise so darn near everyone is on it but me ;-(..oh yea and Amy, I see her here too..
Soooo it is taking awhile for the credit card payments and checks to be cashed. As soon as Monica is back in the saddle I will ask her for a new list. I will post something to let you know when I get it, you can then check with me via email..I will let you know ..
can you give me the name of your organizer and the date it was sent? maybe I can do a little detective work.!!