whatcha doing this weekend?
Can you tell it's a Friday at 4pm and I have already mentally checked out of work?
Tonight, GIRLS NIGHT OUT! Woo hoo, dinner at Brio on the Levee (don't tell Erin or Dr. C... I've been sooo good, I deserve it!) AND it's to celebrate my birthday.
Should be a great time!
Tomorrow: Gym in the AM, out to dinner with the in-laws and some friends in the PM. We'll probably see Wedding Crashers tomorrow too!
Sunday: Laundry, yard work, you know -the fun stuff.

Lot's and lot's of relaxin! I'm am on vacation!!!!!!!! YEah! I bought a house and just moved in a few weeks ago. I'm all unpacked but will probably spend some time this weekend hanging pictures. Maybe some yard work. I need to have a slab of concrete laid for my hot tub. Then relaxin some more. Happy Birthday!
My daughter's home from college and my hubby's on vacationis. I have no idea what they have planned for me this weekend. Hubby would probably like to go to the flea market and daughter will want to go shopping. I've got work to do and would rather get that out of the way (party pooper).
Happy B-Day Melissa
Melissa, there is a small community in Adams County..not near as big as the one in central Ohio..But a fun trip to make..they have sugar free jellies and apple butter..
I usually take my mom but she had other plans today..
besides it's raining so I have a feeling my carpet is going to win the tug of war..lol
i am actually from Lancaster County PA ..my grandmother was menionite. She had many friends who were Amish, growing up I watched her make quilts and Oh man the food..no wonder I got to 300 lbs..
anyway, if you go straight up 32 out of Batavia..you will find a place called Keims market, they have a fresh bakery and Amish furniture. Then I drive to Miller farm a few miles away..they have a much bigger place, the ride is so much fun since you get to see alot of the buggies and such.

Thanks Cathy! It's actually Tuesday, but we celebrated with the girls last night. It's the second year in a row I've found out one of my best friends is PREGNANT on my birthday! Woo hoo - good present!! More babies!!
Have fun with your daughter and don't work too hard. I think you deserve some shopping, you onderland chick!
I got like 2 minutes so decided to write
Friday, got home from work, did my workout, chugged a protein shake, so I wouldn't want the junk later, went to pick up my nephew and him, my son and I went to the Mudhens game, that did in the whole night. Fireworks afterwards.
Sat - got up, went for a 3 mile walk/jog, came home, TRIED to spruce up a profile, (kicking server for being so slow) did laundry, ironed, some cleaning, finally did the profile. Done now! Getting ready to shower and go work my hours for a fundraiser for work. I'm doing the tic-tac-toe for 2 hours and then omg at 9, 4 hours into the party, I'm going to the beer tent. Home about midnite.
Tomorrow I'm not doing nothing but exercise, relax, read my paper, oops, might take Mom's car in for tire rotation and oil change, since I'm stealing her car to come to Cincy.
dat about shoots the weekend!
Hope everyone is having a safe and fun weekend!