OT: We are seperated.
Hi, My OH Family,
I just wanted to let everyone know I have not been able to be on here in awhile. Me and my Hubby have split up. I am on a friends computer, I will have my DSL hooked up in a few days. So I can not reply to any emails sent to me right now. I will post my new email address soon. I miss everyone, and miss reading all the post, but I will be back soon. I will be checking the board often, so if anyone needs to get in touch with me Just leave a post, and I will reply as soon as I can. Everyone, drink you water, get in your protein, and take your meds. I am doin fine, and will post more soon.
Big Hugs,
(((((((((( Lisa)))))))))))))),
I am so sorry to hear that news. Please email me when you get a chance. I still want to get together sometime. I missed last nights support meeting at Barix. I am really struggling myself. We can motivate each other. I'll be thinking of you as you go through this trying time. Just stay focused and please drink, drink, drink! I don't want to visit you back in the hospital.
Take care,

Lisa, I am here in Reynoldsburg. If you need to come over and "borrow" my puter (or my shoulder) once in awhile you are free to do so.
Mary wanted to get in touch with you about the shake mix she has. You might want to e-mail her if you haven't already.
If you need anything or just want to have a cup of coffee, say the word.

I am so sorry to hear about your separation. I too am here if you need to talk. I sent you an email, but you must not have gotten it. I have a bottle of the Wild Cherry ProStat, you are welcome to it, I do NOT like it at all. I live close to Lake Logan, so if you are ever down this way, please let me know, and we can meet or you can come here. I hope that things work out in a way that is best for you! Be Blessed!