Liz and laura and everyone else.
I am so sorry for not keeping in touch better. My life has been so busy I cant keep up with my comings and goings. I am still working out at the pool and gym 2 times a day. I have gone through 2 bathing suits this month ( thank God for hand me downs) and am now wearing a size 16 suit. I cannot believe the changes my body has gone through. I am feeling amazing.. Almost have too much energy. I wake up at 5:00 am and think its time to have the laundry done and the carpets steam cleaned. LOL. I am fed, picked up my grandson and at the pool my 7:30. The old Laura would of been still attempting to get out of bed at 11:30 and then get ready for a big day of eating. Now I eat what I am supposed to, work out like i am supposed to and the weight is coming off like carazy.
Heres the grand total.... I have gone from 310 the day of my surgery May 6th to 208 pounds as of this morning. I kept jumping off the scales and doing it again. Because I couldnt believe that I could possible have lost this much. But once I finally believed It I was jumping and dancing around my room. For the first time in my life I asked someone to actually look at the scale, I was proud of the weight on there. I am thinking about revising my goal weight down to 120. Ask me about that again when I hit a platueau.. LOL
This has been a dream come true for me and I still cannot believe all this is actually happening to me. I had someone at the pool comment on how hard I am working and how dedicated I seem. And I told them, I felt this was my last chance and that God had given me this very
special gift and he is taking my promises to him very seriously. He is helping me every step of the way, but I made a vow to work harder than I had ever worked in my life to get to my goal. My LIFE and FUTURE depended on it. I Thank you Richard for being there in those first few days when I was having my doubts about the surgery. I have NONE now.. Just wished I had it done sooner.
So thats how I am doing.. Wonderful.. Amazing.. ALIVE!!!!
Love and hugs
lAURA, DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT! We all get busy, that lets us know that you are doing what you are supposed to be doing. Excersizing takes time as well as we get more energy and don't sit in front of the computer as much LOLOL. I knes you would do great once you felt better. I could tell with your personality. Wow 102 pounds, that is wonderful . I am so happy. It does not matter if you hit a plateau. It feels good for me and I havent lost anymore weight. I feel Great. God is the one who brought me to you. I felt it in your words the day I saw your post about not having an angel. Can't wait to see you in person again. You are a very special person. Don't you ever forget it. Richard
Hi Richard!!!
Things here are going well. I have lost 55 pounds. It's going relatively slow for me. I cannot believe how GREAT Laura is doing, but she is a superwoman, and I am so happy for her!
I am geting ready to go back to school. I am worreid about the heat as we have no air conditioning in our school, and I am a pampered princess!!!
I am feeling pretty good in general. My energy level is good, but I seem to develop aversions to foods. For example, the protein bars I loved in July are difficult for me o even get to my mouth this who knows!!! Some other "standards" are also yukky to me. I am sure it is just a phase. But I have to figure out what I am going to be taking to school for lunch and snacks.
I have not posted anything lately, but I have answered several posts...I just must be hidden!!
What's new with you?
Hello Liz, I am so glad to hear from you. School is sneaking up isn't it. Are you excited about going back to school? NO AIR. OOOOHHH I hat that. LOL. It seem our food changes all the time for some people. I have not experienced that but alot of other people do. I used to freeze crab sticks and take them to work and they would thaw by lunch time and a great source of protein.l Not to mention making your own lunchables. Lewt me know if you know of any good recipes. I have seen you answer people. That is why I wanted to say hi. I am staying at 188 pounds. Its weird I havent lost in 6 months but I have not gained either. I think I have found my goal weight. But I feel great so I dont care. The last few pounds are skin I am sure and I don't have enought skin to worry about thank god. Love ya! Richard
Actually I am never "excited" about going back to school, but once I get there and get back into the routine I enjoy it. The beginning of the year is usually fun and I don't find it stressful.
SEND ALL THE RECIPES YOU CAN!!! I especially need tips on what to take to school!...thangs that could be kept in a cooler... and our own lunchables sounds like fun!
Hi Richard....
Nice to see you again... hope you are doing well. I am still hanging in there. I am down 60lbs so far. I wish I had the time to workout like Ms Laura does.... Keep up the good work!
Are you going to the conference in Cinci? I am going to make a long weekend out of it. My husband and I are leaving Friday and will be down there all weekend. Need some time away from my teenagers.
You take care and talk with you soon.