OMG I --
RAN this moring, too windy to ride my bike, so I went for a walk.. then alternated walking with running.. it felt good, like a freeness to do whatever my heart desires. I uploaded photo's from the area I walk/bike/and NOW run at Links on my profile or here.
Yanno there's beauty, wherever you seek it? Even IN the city!
Everyone have a great weekend!

When I run in the pool it gives me that same feeling of freedom that you feel. My Knees arent quite ready for the impact on concrete yet, but just running the pool from end to end I can almost close my eyes and imagine that I am really running. Before I lost this 92 pounds I doubt that I could of even did this running in the pool. Its just wonderful finding something new each and every day that I can do.
I am so happy for you Vicki!!!
Love and hugs,