Beef Jerky?
When will it be okay to eat beef jerky? I'm five weeks post-op and I'm not going to try it until I get some feedback from you guys. I suppose that's something that should wait till I'm 2-3 months post-op, I guess. I don't know. I realize it's a high-protein / low-carb / long-chewing / good satisfaction food item. I value your input.
Julie Lombardy
Akron, Ohio
Julie, I ate beef jerky fairly soon after I was able to eat solid foods. I think it was 6-8 weeks. I know some people have problems with it, but I had absolutely none and loved it. I still do! Beef has never been a problem for me. Chicken & fish have been at times, tho. Just remember, since it is soooooo tough, take tiny tiny bites (I cut mine with scissors into little pieces first, made that easier) and of course to chew,
and then chew
some more.
Hope this helps! Good luck! Caren

Hi Julie,
I had my surgery June 16th and I started eating jerky last week, @ 5 weeks out. I have no problem at all with it!! You just need to make sure you chew it good, though it isn't really tough at all, there are some really course bites, but Ijust spit them out ..... sorry :0)
Jerky runs 12g protein per oz(depending on which brand you buy) and each bag is 10-12 oz so I think its really good!!!
Good luck!!
Title: Home-Made Beef Jerky
Yield: 1 Servings
2 lb flank steak, trimmed *
1/2 c worcestershire sauce
1/4 c soy sauce
2 tb liquid smoke flavoring
1 1/2 ts seasoned salt
1 1/2 ts onion salt
1/2 ts garlic powder
1/2 ts pepper, freshly ground
1 nonstick vegetable cooking
1 spray
* Use round strip steak. If not already cut follow instructions under #1.
1. For flank steak freeze until partially frozen, about 1 hr. Using a
sharp knife, cut diagonally across the grain into 1/4-inch-thick
2. In a large plastic bag (preferably the self-sealing kind), mix the
remaining ingredients except the cooking spray. Add the sliced beef
and mix well. Seal the bag and refrigerate for at least 8 hours or up
to 24 hours, turning the bag occasionally so the beef strips are
evenly marinated.
3. Remove an oven rack from the oven and lightly spray the rack with
nonstick vegetable spray. Remove the strips from the marinade,
shaking off excess marinade. Pat the strips dry with paper towels.
Arrange the strips, close together but not touching on the rack. Line
the bottom of the oven with aluminum foil (to catch drips).
4. Preheat the oven to 150 F. Place the oven rack with the jerky in
the oven. Bake until a cool piece of jerky (remove from the oven and
cool 5 mins) breaks when bent, about 5 hours. Blot any surface fat
with paper towels. Cool completely. Store in an airtight container
for up to 1 month at cool room temperature, 3 months in the
refrigerator, or 6 months in the freezer. Makes about 1 lb.
Hi Jaimee, I never tried jerky because I was always afraid of it. I cant wait to buy some. The best I ever tried was in Palm Springs . This man made it and sold it at the college of the desert at their flee market. Now I want to go there and get some. Is it hard to make it?I would love that. I make kosher dill pickles. Thats as far as my homemade anything goes. Does anyone know where we can get good jerky???
Cindy, If I can get around to it before the OH event I will bring some down to Cincy for you to try. It is my Dad's uncle's secret recipe. It took me several years to learn how to make it but it was worth the effort once I figured it out. I am into canning and freezing too. I make my own salsa and can peaches, jams and applesauce. I will be trying to make sugar free versions of my favorites this year. The next thing I want to try is using a dehydrator.