Surgery date
I talked to Cathy today and she gave me an actual date of Aug. 22 at 7:30 AM instead of the 17th. And I am fine with that. That way I will have enough time on my CPAP and get the test results back in time. I go for my testing on Wed the 3rd, day before my 10th wedding anniversary, and I have to go see Cathy to finalize the paper work tomorrow. Whew!
I feel like I am going in all different directions. My sister is coming home from Germany on the 3rd also so hopefully I will be done with my testing to get her from the airport right here in Toledo.
My mind is running crazy with everything I feel I need to get in order before the surgery. You know letters to my children, husband, mom and other family members, things that I want to have done before I have surgery so it won't need to be done afterwords, vitamins to get, food to buy. Oh yeah and school stuff for 5 kids including clothes. Well I guess I won't have much time to stress about the surgery itself huh. Now I also need to find someone to fill in for me for Sunday school for a few weeks after surgery also. JOY JOY JOY!!! I am sure my mother-in-law will do it.
Sorry don't mean to ramble just nervous I guess. Well pray for me and I know I will be on here a lot more the sooner it gets to surgery time.
ramble away huney.. and I'm glad your ok with the new date, cause i AM!
Only cause on the 17th I would be leaving on the 18th for Cincy and wouldn't be a very good
then. I'll be home on the 21st, so this works better for me.
OK it's your day, but I wanna be around if'n ya need me.
You'll be so fine.. and with everything to keep you busy, it'll pass by quickly.
What sizes are your kids? Are they in Public School? If so I can't help ya with hand-me-downs at all as it is my Nick's 1st yr wearing UNIFORMS! HE'S HATING IT! I'm LOVING IT!
Did you send me your phone #, I'll have to look, we need to talk.

Thank you and I am glad you will be around that day.
I know everything is going to be OK just for some reason every since she gave me a definite date I have been all teary eyed and just can't seem to let my kids go to far.
Any other time I am like "be gone!!!"
My kids are in public school, Deveaux JrH, Start HS, Stewart Academy for Girls, and Glendale Feilbach. Huh 5 kids in 4 different school.
We qualified for uniforms through a special grant so we are set on those just gonna buy under clothes and bras........omg my 11 and 15 year have really boomed this summer.
Anyways, we are set with all that stuff just have to go get the money from Grandpa he is buying school supplies this year for the kids. Said he had the money to do it so don't complain. I don't know who would complain. It is nice to know my husbands family really takes care of there own. I sent you an email with my cell and home number.


i cryed too.. tears of joy that my life would soon be changing.
Egads 4 schools.. I'm hoping my grant comes through for Nick uniforms too, I JUST applied a week ago.
Got yer #, now I just gotta use it
You can call me also, as you have MORE children and know when you have have rare free time to call.

dear Roquetta,
My goodness!!! You have so much to do before the surgery, the time will fly!!... and you are correct, you won't have time to get nervous!
Make lists and post them every where!!
Keep in mind as you are purchasing food items for your post-op time that your taste can really change. It's hard to predict what you will and will not be able to tolerate.
I live in southern Ohio so I can only help you with thoughts and prayers!
Good really is so much better afterwards!!