Feeling a little sad!
OK..when I get a little sad I seem to write. Has anyone gone through this also. I had my insurance paperwork submitted on July 1 and was told that it should take 1-1.5 weeks. Well we are going to be hitting the 4 week marker on Friday and Im getting stressed and a little sad. We contacted them and they said it would be another day or two last week and well still no answer. I'm going nuts, I have such a structured timeline as to when I can get this surgery done and its getting so close that I'm not sure I can get it anymore. I will, but I might have to give up a term at school. And, I dont want to do that..any suggestions. I know that Tracy is doing everything she can, she is wonderful..but I'm still sad......Pam

Hi Pamela, I agree with Richard ... waiting is the hardest part of our journey to WLS. Some have to wait longer than others but we all go through this agony. Keep calling and don't give up hope ... let them know the importance of your time. I hope you don't have to postpone school but sometimes we may have to make sacrifices when things don't go as we plan. I hope and pray that you hear from them soon. Keep your head up. Georgeann
hi Pamela,
I can certainly sympathize with your feelings. As Georgiann and Richard
have said, you just have to be diligent about contacting the insurance company. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
I too had ideal time frames...in fact during my waiting period 5 different "ideal" time periods came an went. When I finally received the okay, I decided that this had to come first. My surgery fell at a very inconvenient time for me work-wise...but you know what? everything that needed to happen at work was done by some one else, and I had my surgery. Now that time of work I missed is over and it doesn't matter! I am glad I didn't post=pone my new life!
Try to keep a positive attitude...just know that it will soon be behind you!