Ulcers? Are they common after WLS surgery? (DR Curry?)
Hello Board,
My Aunt had surgery 11/16/04. Which went very well. During her surgery Dr Curry discovered a flyoid tumor that she needed to have removed. Which she did 6/8/05...
Since her surgery we had to take her to the ER 3 times. Finally they admitted her. A specialist Dr Kendal was going to do a scope test to see if she had an ulcer. But another doctor advised them to wait. They felt she had a kidney infection. And was doing better.
Well that is not the case. She is in alot of pain.
What can you tell me about ulcers? What are the symptoms? How do you treat them? How do you know if you have a bleeding ulcer?
Any information is appreciated.

Ulcers are fairly common after bypass surgery, usually occuring at the connection between the pouch and the small intestine. They can also be garden-variety regular ulcers too down farther in the bypassed stomach or small intestine - these are difficult to diagnose as you can't easily put a scope in the bypassed stomach.
We usually treat them with Nexium and a medicine called Carafate.
Another surgery can bring an ulcer on through stress on the body so that's a possibility.
Sounds like she needs to get her skinny butt into my office!