Back again
Here I go again and am trying one more time. I was approved for, went through all the processes required (psych evaluation, nutritional counseling, the lecture/information with a doctor, the medicaid approval process) the week before pre-op and a sugery schedule I get a phone call from my doctors assistant saying she's sorry but the hospital where I was scheduled to have my surgery had stopped all bariatric surgeries effective immediately (the insurance costs outweighed the benefts of surgery of this type - so they said). To say I was upset is being mild, I cried like a baby. That was a year ago in March and since that time I have literally felt like hell and gained even more weight. I am hoping that anyone *****ads this can help with some information. I am trying to get back on track and looking once again to find a doctor (preferably in southern Ohio or West Virginia) that will accept an Ohio Medicaid card as insurance. Since my un-surgery as I call it I was involved in a severe auto accident and sustained damage to my neck. Physical therapy has only helped minimally and another MRI is scheduled for next week to determine if I am going to need surgery. Because of my weight, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, and COPD I am extreme high risk for this type of surgery (spinal/neck). Weight loss would make little difference regarding surgery if needed on my neck, however being at the weight I am surgery would make me a very high risk. Anyone that can help with information regarding doctors and hospitals that accept Ohio Medicaid would be a real blessing to me.