Feeling some lightness returning
I wanted to let you know that my pcp phoned in a mild anti anxiety medication yesterday to help me until the antidepressant kicks in . I have had two doses now and I can feel an improvement already. I hadnt been able to watch television for a week. And last night I was able to sit cuddled up on the couch in the living room with the kids and watch two programs. I was calm and laughed and enjoyed the show. This was a first for me since coming home from the hospital.
Maybe I am turning the corner..
Love and hugs,
Laura, I am so glad you are feeling at least a little better! I have you on our prayer list at church and these people seem to have a direct line!
I am happy that you can see a tiny light at the end of the tunnel. I am sure you are turning a corner. So many people love you Laura...our good thoughts and prayers HAVE to be doing their job.
Love you!