I need your words of wisdom and encouragement!!!!
I have been waiting for my approval from Aetna since they received by paperwork 3/10/05. 2 days before my first thirty days was up they mailed a letter requesting more records. I gathered that info and faxed it to them. When I called today to make sure they received the fax the reo informed me that they are still stating they need more records for the med. supervised diet!!!!! The same exact info that I just faxed to them 5/12/05. I have been going to my PCP for the medically supervised diet, does this not count??? I am just about at my wits end. Can anyone give me advise on what is considered a "medically supervised diet". This is the second insurance company that is fighting be over the 6 month diet. I have been dealing with this since 2001 and yet they still want more 6 month diets!!!!! Please help
My guess would be that the person who sent out the "need more documentation" letter and the person *****ceived the fax of your documentation are not one in the same. There seems to be a big time warp in Ins. offices as well.
Sometimes the Dr. and the patient have to really be obvious with their displeasure concerning the hoops you have to jump through.
Would your Dr. re-fax the info WITH a note stating that he/she is displeased with the number of times the documentation has had to be submitted, AND ask for specific guidelines as to HOW the documentation should be sent to meet their requirements.(?)
It might be something as ridiculous as the way the dates/weights are recorded.
I fought longa nad hard with my insurance as well. Try not to give up.