DAYTON! Mtg this Sat
We are a small group pre op, post op, different doctors, different WLS, RNY, Lap Band, and our support people. We started with just 4 of us meeting and talking, and learning from each other. At our last meeting there were about about 10-12 of there all together. We are VERY informal. Just chat about whatever. If you want to meet some new faces and friends come and join us. Everyone is always WELCOME.
Some of us even bring our kids who sometimes are our BEST and WORST support people. LOL
Will you please let Bo and I know when you meet again? We would love to make one of the meetings. This weekend he has an OH event in Fresno and I am volunteering my time to the local AARP Volunteer Income Tax Preparation Program so that low and elderly taxpayers can get their taxes done for free.