???Question of the Day???
i don't but i found it doesn't matter anyway
recently had to go out of town to a funeral (fiancee's family) and with his family the entire day from like 12 pm till about 10 pm in that amount of time i watched everyone eat constantly an i ate a light lunch and a even lighter dinner i also had 2 pepsi's the entire day (yes i know i gotta give up the pepsi but honestly 2 i dont think is that bad ) and drank water the rest of the time
well couple days later i over hear his mother telling him that i'm not serious about the surgery because i drank to much pepsi and it wasn't diet yada yada so i was watched cause i wqs the *FAT ONE* but they ate pies and cookies and everything else while i watched and didn't touch them cause i do try to watch what i eat best i can (sorry i'm still crving pepsi my biggest addiction and i'm working on giving up) this totally devastated me
i cried for 3 days i think and was depressed for a week i don't think i ate anthing that week fiance keept asking me to eat something (cant eat when i'm depressed) so anyway i think i went off topic a little but guess i needed to vent that to someone who might understand and my main point was it doesn't matter if we eat or not people still watch and judge
I know exactly what you mean and I feel your pain. Why is it that we let others dictate so much how we feel about ourselves?
I guess that is why lots of times that I don't share with outsiders that I have had surgery because I don't even want them to judge me for that too.
But, this surgery has given me hope. Hope that one day I can feel normal. That I can feel like I am apart of the crowd rather than the focus of the crowd. Hope that my every decision will not be pulled apart and looked at.
People will always have their opinions. Everyone is different and everyone is weird and everyone does things that others feel are wrong because we are all on different life journeys. I am at a different place in my life journey than you are, so my lessons to learn and mistakes to make are different.
Let's break this down for a minute. Maybe his mother is a blessing. Maybe she is a part of the lesson that you are learning right now. The lesson is that what she thinks and her opinions are just that....opinions. Not bad or good, just opinions. You are focusing on the wrong thing. Your thinking about her negative views on pop. What you should be thinking about is why does her opinion matter so much? Why do I like pop? Is pop something that I really need? Do I truely believe that pop is bad for me after surgery? Do I want to change my life and make the most of my surgery?
Focus on how you really feel about the true issue, not how you feel about what she thinks.
Ok, I will stop rambling!!
P.S. I had a mother in law for 15 years that was CRAZY, so if you need to vent, I am here!!
I work at Ohio University and am constantly surrounded by young attractive people. I would often be self-conscious about even getting a small snack and eating in front of people. It's really odd because I'm usually the kind of person that could care less about most peoples' opinions.
I'm 6 weeks post-op and I still catch myself being worrying about it. Especially now that I have to eat MORE often. I'm slowly getting better about my "screw them" attittude. I think that the weight loss is helping my self-esteem.