Dayton Group
Thanks so much for the group. It was so nice meeting all of you and I hope we can continue. We had a nice turnout and I think lots of news to share. I would like to see us meet at least once a month--what do you think. I am so glad we have all types of WLS represented. This way we will all get something meaningful and useful to our particular need. Also, what a great way to learn about the other surgery types and what struggles they deal with.
Thanks for having the meeting Robin.
Sandy Oxner
We did have a GREAT turn out didn't we!!!!!!!!
We can get together as much as everyone would like. Once a month, every two weeks, whatever works with every body. Someone just picks a date we post here or email and see who shows up.
It's great to just get together and chat, to see what other doctors are saying.
Robin W