Happy Valentines Day!
Good Morning and Happy Valentines Day to you all!
I am quitting smoking today! I am scheduled to attend an orientation for WLS surgery next week and I really want to not be smoking! I would really like to hear about anyone else who quit smoking for the surgery or any other reason and what helped them through it! I really want to quit smoking and I really want to have WLS! It is just all so hard!!
I hope you all have a great Valentines Day!!!
Thank you all so much for the encouraging words. It has been 21 hrs since I smoked so I am almost through the first 24! From what I hear that gets you through the physical addiction then it is all mental. Obviously I am orally fixated (food cigarettes, biting my nails -etc.) so this is going to be difficult! I know that I want it: I want to be healthy!!
Thank You!!!