Hi Jeffrey!
We have a great support group at OSU and I can send you some information on it if you would like. We are getting a directory together to get members more involved with other activities as well.
We always have a professional speaker too. As for the second shift thing, I can tell you we have two different meetings a month, so that might help out with your schedule. As long as you don't mind driving to Columbus! I know where you are coming from. My brother lives in Williamsport and I we are originally from Circleville.
Email me with your address and I can either email it to you or snail mail it to you!
Take care,
SURE!! 7pm the first and fourth Wednesday of every month at OSU in the Dodd/Davis Bldg on 9th Ave. I believe the room number is 1048. I can get directions emailed or snail mailed if anyone needs them.
We usually have speakers, but tonight, out speaker didn't show so I am not sure what happened. So we just "punted", but I think it made for a good group discussion!