Toldeo Area Baribuds-Protein
At tomorrow night's meeting we will be discussing protein in several ways-and I was wondering if anyone wanted to do a protein exchange again?
If you have protein that you absolutely love and want to share a taste for others=bring some----either package it in one serving sample sized baggies marked with the brand and flavor (and amt of protein grams per serving) and/or bring some that we may actually mix up- I have small dixie cups to drink from--there is water available onsite.
If you have some that you absolutely cannot stand and wish to trade it off with someone else- either package it in one serving size baggies ( as above) or bring the tub....
or if you have a special recipe for a protein shake, etc, that you would like to share-please jot it on a card so we may copy it!
Please do not feel that you must BRING in order to TAKE; the idea is to share our knowledge and our ideas and our samples!
Hoping to see everyone's smiley faces tomorrow night -as well as any newcomers!!!!
Remember -7-9 PM in the Bay Room-6th floor of the old building; St Charles Hospital; Wheeling at Navarre Avenues in Oregon, Ohio....