11 days Post RNY
As of today I have lost 18 lbs in 11 days. I am ready for some real food!! Just a bite would be grand! I go back to the Dr. on Thursday, Dec 20 to have my staples removed. I've been walking some but with this snow (10 inches) I can't go outside. Christmas was depressing, but I keep holding on to the thought that come spring, I can go shopping for a new smaller size!!
Congrats on your weight loss..thats fabulous!!! I had surgery 12-15-04 and go see my surgeon, Dr. Selwyn, tomorrow. I sure hope I did as well as you!!!! Come this time next Christmas I would like to be shopping those cute lil shops next to the Rave movie theatre in West Chester!!!
Lisa Durbin
Dr. Sewlyn
UC Physicians
Tammy, I will be a month out tomorrow. It does get better. Hang in there. I am so looking forward to having food I can chew in 2 weeks. My surgeon has his patients on 6 weeks of liquid diet. It is hard, but I am seeing the payoff I am -34 pounds as of now according to my scale. I have to wait until the 7th to weigh at the surgeons. I saw him 10 days before surgery and weighed 3 puounds less than I did on my scale on surgery day. It will be interesting to see the difference between his scale and mine.
Hi Tammy and everyone!
I am 15 days out. Have lost 21 pounds and seem to be holding - hopefully temporary! But feeling better and better. Went back to work Monday.
You have all kinds of wonderful things to look forward, as we all do. Just get us through this recuperation period!!!
Sounds like you are doing really, really well.
Take care
Kitty B.