update on jeremy...
Hi gang,
I copied this from the main message board so the people here on the Ohio board would also know how he is doing.... Cindy
I'm going to try to keep the updates going on Jeremy, Kirk is his angel and he is away for a couple of weeks, so I will be posting as often as I have news.
I spoke to Jeremy's mom, Kathy, this morning and things are still not good for Jeremy. Obviously in the condition he is in, some bad days are to be expected, but he is really battling right now. He has been on dialysis for a while now and since yesterday they have been unable to do it because of a problem with the catheter they placed to do the procedure, it keeps backing up. They will be placing a new catheter on the other side of his neck today. His kidneys are not working at all right now, and he had to receive a transfusion yesterday as his blood count has been very low, and he is losing blood through the various drains that he has. Jeremy is still fighting infection, and his incision is still open, they are unable to close it due to swelling. He is on very stong antibiotics for the infection. They tried yesterday to feed Jeremy directly into the larger part of his stomach through a tube, but this was rejected, and they are now feeding him intraveneously, this is the first nutrition he has had in 3 weeks.
I'm sure many of you have seen Roberta's updates, and to say the family is battling is an understatement, I tried to find them some help through the Ronald McDonald House, but even though they could probably accomodate Jeremy's family the house is an hour away from OSU Medical Center, and for obvious reasons, due to the frailty of Jeremy's condition the family don't want to be an hour away in case something happens and they need to get back to the hospital in a hurry. The Norman's have discussed their plight with a social worker at the hospital, but unfortunately there is nothing available in that area right now. If anyone can help the family in any way please email me and we can discuss options privately.
Please everyone lets all pray for a Christmas miracle for Jeremy's family, they are lovely people and need our prayers right now. Roberta and Jeremy's parents are really battling emotionally right now, as it is so hard seeing your loved one fighting for their life.
I will update again soon
Kirsten A.