This day
This day I count my blessings, among them are you, my friends. You have been so very encouraging to me. Each time I log on and see your posts and look at your faces in the pictures that you have shared with us all, I feel as if I have a special connection to someone who finally understands the pain of being obese. In so many ways you are like family and I have truly felt blessed to have a glimpse into each of your lives via your profiles and this message board. It is neat how we can all be so diverse, with different backgrounds and viewpoints on issues, but still share the special connection we have from our years of obesity. I am able to come here and not feel judged or feel shame for who I am. I am given the dignity to hold my head up high and be proud of who I am as a person, instead of being reduced to just a size that doesn't "fit" into societies perfect picture. Rather, you judge me by my heart, the most valuable of the treasures in my care. God bless you all on this Thanksgiving Day.