is anyone being approved
if you go to the insurance info page you can look up your insurance group and see how long its taking to get approved and who isn't. i hear medical mutal of ohio is a PIA (pain in the @ss). i live in akron where are you going to have yor surgery when your approved? ok, good luck with getting approved. you could always call me if you have questions or just need to talk about your fustrations. jennifer from akron.
I have MMO and didnt have any trouble. Please remember that every policy is different. You should call MMO to see exactly what yours states and what makes 'medical nescessary' for your policy.
I'm almost 1 year post op and now thinking of reconstructive surgery. I'm finding out exactly what MMO wants for reconstructive surgery to be 'medical nescessary'.
Good Luck,
Robin W
weight 218/115 at GOAL
BMI 45.6/24
I wonder the same thing. In the past it was much easier, several of my coworkers had it done with no problem. Approval the first time. But when we had open enrollment 7/04 a representative told me there were changes and new criteria to be met, he did not say what they were only said they will continue to pay for the surgery. Right now my appeal is being handled by the State Department of Insurance, I called today and was told I would hear something the end of the week. Not holding out much hope. If this one is denied then I have to wait 6 months before filing again. Since then I have started ANOTHER supervised weight loss program. It seems my other 16 month supervised weight loss notes were not enough. I was weighed every month for 6 months then as maintenance I went every three months. Kept it off for 2 years. There is one more appeal level which is the National Level, not sure I will bother but who knows.