Dr. Chand Cleveland Clinic / partner
When I started at the clinic it was with Dr. Brody and he was leaving and Dr. Chand had been his assistant, so I never heard about a partner. I love Dr. Chand though and he would be well worth waiting for. Dr. Chand did my surgery and so far, everything has gone perfectly. It took almost 3 years for me to get my surgery from my first endocrinologist date. Once I met Dr. Brody in March, I was told that my surgery wouldn't be scheduled until October. I had a few problems with insurance and didn't end up having my surgery until December.
Hi Debbie,
I am presently going through the program at Cleveland Clinic. To my knowledge they do not have a second surgeon yet for gastric bypass. Once I saw Dr Chand I could have had the surgery in 2 months if everything would have gone right. But due to insurance denial, it was postponed until I was approved. The first appointment with the endrocronologist took the longest. It took six months for an appointment with him.
Good Luck,