Question about self pay?
Hi All. Can anyone help me with this. I have an exclusion on my group policy about wls of any type. If I have to have another type of surgery, is it possible to have the wls surgery at the same time so that the insurance covers most of the hospital expenses and I self pay just the surgeon. Just trying to cover all my options here. I feel like I have this wonderful helpul tool sitting in front of me and I can't reach it. Recently divorced so credit is messed up along with a major loan still in my name. Any suggestions would be very helpful.
Unless you're talking about a very very minor procedure, most bariatric surgeons would not agree to doing additional surgery along with a bypass. It makes an operation with a lot of risk already even more risky...
Just my opinion.
Dr. C
The Deaconess Surgical Weight Loss Center
Cincinnati, Ohio (513) 559-2545