Hi Sheila,
Get a hold of your insurance and find out your guidelines. I have to do the 8 months, which is just and evaluation to watch my diet and weight. I have to try to loose weight on my own before being able to be considered for surgery. I have been on yo yo diets for years, and too it has to be written by my PCP that it is a medical nescessity. My husband works for General Motors in Mansfield, OH and it has been a bear to get our insurance to pick up alot of things. But we do have a clause that says that everything will be paid for after the surgery is done. Just in the meantime I have to pay out of pocket for everything in the process. Just don't give up hope and keep fighting, if I knew then what I know now about fighting insurance I would have started a long time ago to have the surgery done. As long as it is a medical necessity you shouldn't have any problems getting it approved. Good Luck and keep me posted. I'll keep you posted on anything that I find out on the way.