Ohio Senate for WLS
This information has been posted already but with all the other messages, its fallen off a bit and I think this is an important message that needs to get out. For those who didn't see the initial message, Ohio Senate had a bill proposal to mandate WLS. It died in the "committee" stage. Sen. Hagan proposed this bill and since has told us to contact the Senate Insurance, Commerce and Labor Committee
http://www.senate.state.oh.us/committees/com_insurance.html so that we can express our concerns directly. Sen. Hagan STILL supports this bill by the way!
Some folks had suggested a letter writing campaign. I'm wondering if we can't have one of those online petitions for folks to go to and sign via the internet. Any thoughts or suggestions?
Please share this information with all you know. We need to get folks to contact this committee and get the ball rolling on it again!