Another St. Vincents question...
Thanks ladies for your replies. I only ask because some hospitals count day differently. For instance the hospital that I had my last children at said I would be in the hospital for four days... and they counted this way
Friday - the day of my c-section, One day
Sat - Two days
Sun - Three days
Mon - Four days.
Instead of counting like this.
From Friday to Saturday - One day (as in a full 24 hrs passing)
Sat - Sun - Two days
Sun - Mon - Three days
Mon - Tue - Four days
See the difference?
So even being released from the hospital in four days can mean TWO different things! It was very frustrating the last time that happened because I wasn't expecting to be discharged so soon and was unprepared
Hi Jen,
I know it is confusing. I felt like I could not get a straight answer until I finally asked the gal, "Ok, my surgery is on Tuesday, what day do I go home?" So, yes Jen, if your surgery is on Tuesday, you will be discharged on Friday. Best of luck at St. V's. You will get great care there.