prayer thread
I am sending out prayers to everyone who is even remotely involved with any form of weight loss surgery.
I am sending out strength and knowledge to those who are researching or trying to have this not give up
Prayers going to those with a surgery date or are undergoing surgery as we speak.....prayers for a quick, safe, and speedy recovery.
Prayers going out to the families of anyone wanting, haveing, or have had this surgery. May god lay your worries and concerns upon his shoulders..and bring you a moment of peace.
Prayers to those who have had this surgery and are home and moving on with your life.....I send prayers of strength and forever happiness on the journey to a new and happier not loose focus of the big task.
God led us to it, he will guide us through it.
I hope I have not offended anyone with this post if so I am sorry.
I just know that many prayers have helped to get me to the stage I am at and I wanted to pass it along.
Prayers in any form, in any religion, prayers are prayers and they allways help......pass this on