WLS Surgery Costs
I went to Bariatric Treatment Center and the total billed to my insurance (hospital, surgeon, anesthesiologist, pulmonary, etc.) for the surgery and pre-op testing was $59,614.98. This does not include the cardiac clearance (ekg, stress echo, etc.) and sleep apnea testing (2 nights plus the daytime latency testing) that was done pre-op. Those costs probably exceeded $5,000. plus the cost of the C-Pap.
I have a friend that found out her insurance no longer cover the surgery so she called the hospital and checked if you pay cash. just the hospital is $10,000.00 that does not include doctor or other costs that is a two day stay at St. V's in cleveland I would guess at least $15,000.00 - $20,000.00 plus. It is $30,000.00 for hospital if you have insurance to cover it figure that one out and we wonder why our insurance goes up. I hope this helps My friend is now looking for a way to pay it herself or get a loan if anyone has any idea's I also have a number for Patient Financing service 1-888-737-3679 if anyone needs it I recieved it from a online person who is trying to help me, help my friend. Jus tin case anyone else out there is having insurance troubles
Rynae Dawson Ohio