Insurance battle looms
Jack- Just a thought. I saw on national news about an insurance company that was refusing new treatment to a woman with cancer. She went to the media and they in turn helped her contact a paitient advocate, a federal service. I think the media is a great place to start. In the end the employer asked the insurance company to allow the treatment and they did. Time to start rallying the troops. Hope this helps. Debbie Lisk
Since an exclusion for surgery to correct morbid obesity affects only a certain group of people, wouldn't that be discrimination? Would insurance companies stop covering diabetics because they have the potential to cost the company lots and lots of dollars if/when they develop complications? (Amputations and dialysis, renal transplants, non-healing diabetic ulcers come to mind.) I wonder if there isn't some legal entity (ACLS?) out there that would consider this case. Of course, there has to be some big bucks in it for them somewhere, I bet. It would certainly be high profile.
i think dissability laws must not apply to insurance Co's. I had surgery on 9/3/03.My employer is changing insurance co's and the prices are more than doubling. i started looking for individual coverages for me an dmy family. I have been informed that no one will cover me because of my weight. I told them I had the surgery and they said oh well we will cover you in a year when you lose the weight. I told them thank you but this is VERY discriminatory. It is very discuraguing, they should have to cover anyone who will pay. what does the overweight person do who's employer does not offer insurance. They still work, they still need insurance.
Just wanted to vent, janie