Will I get approved?....
I am 23 yrs old, 5'7", and weight 286 pounds. I don't have any serious medical problems YET! But my knees have been sore lately and my BP is slightly high. My only problem is I don't have a 5 year weight history. I'm missing 2 years. Will Insurance companies accept pictures? Any advice you can give would be much appreciated.
Who is your Insurance company. Each one is different. Calculate your BMI and see if it over 40. Are you 100 lbs+ overweight. I would look at all the comorbidities. Are you prediabetic. Have high blood pressure etc. Also check your insurances website out and see what their qualifications are. Good Luck to you.

hi joy! i used to live in lorain! small world- where are you having your surgery? i have med mutual and they will accept 1 pic for each year - mark your name and the approx date of pic on the back- you won't get the pic back....i'm going thru BTC and they handle all of the ins info- yes, med mut is getting worse.....good luck! email me if you wish....
As Jack said, each insurance company is different. Did you see your family physician at all when you were 19 or 20? Even if your family dr wrote in his notes that you were obese or morbidly obese, that is documentation. Or did you go to a gynecologist and they notated what your weight was?
I have humana, and they are pretty quick to approve, and really only need a letter from your PCP. But other insurance companies are very picky about the history. Good Luck to you, and don't give up hope!

Hi Joy! I'm also 23 same height and weight and I got approved. I didn't have a 5 year weight history where I was morbidly obese, all I had was my overweight weights from Dr's appointments. My Dr used those weights and he wrote about the 2 years I tried medically supervised diets once I became morbisly obese. I was approved on the first letter. Do you have your weight before and after the 2 year period? Your Dr might be able to write a five year weight history based on that. Good luck!
Well I have a couple of years but they are scattered. My doctor is willing to write me a letter for it. In fact, she's behind me 100% so it's looking better. I'm hoping that I have Sleep Apnea (how sad is that) so that it will help me along even more. I've started seeing a dietician. The insurance company I'm switching to only requires that you've been seeing one for 6 months. So I'm starting now...to get it out of the way. So all I can do is cross my fingers.
Many insurance companies (including MMOH - they were my secondary) just want to see that you have been morbidly obese for 5 years and you can provide any documented weigh in for that (Weigh****chers, PCP, Gynocologist, etc.). What insurance are you switching to? Some of them require 6 month physician supervised diets as well as the 5 year documented morbid obesity.
Good Luck.