Cold medicine question
Hi everyone in Ohio
I haven't had the surgery yet but I was just thinking what kind of liquid cold medicine can you take after surgery? Don't most medicines have sugar in them? I have a cold now that's why I was thinking about this. I'm sure the doctor could give me an answer but just wondering what everyone else has experienced. Thanks

I haven't had a cold but my sinuses are terrible, and my allergies too. My nose runs all the time. You can get liquid Zyrtec if you need, but I have trouble with liquids, so the Dr gave me a nasil spray, worked great til I could take my pills. Best bet is to try not to get one,(easier said than done), so you may want to try these things as preventative.
Good luck and god bless, Janie
What a good question! I am nearly 3 months post-op, and last week I had a bad cold. At first, I tried to crush my cold medicine I still had in the madicine cabinet. But that did NOT work, and they tasted horrible! So I headed down to the closest drug store. There I found Chewable Children's Triaminic. It worked great, and I didn't even think of watching my sugars on that, but I didn't dump on them either. And, just in case you were wondering, 3 days later I am feeling much better.