Scared to have surgery
Hi, I am around 100 lbs. overweight, I've been fat since age 20, I'm now 36. I am now going through the process of weight loss surgery, but I am soooo scared that something terrible will happen to me while in surgery. I can't help it. I think I will do ok after the surgery, but I have such a fear of the actual surgery and that I will die and not have a chance to say goodbye to my little girl, husband, and family. And it will hurt them so much. Does anyone out there feel the same way?
April S.
on 9/17/03 4:10 am
on 9/17/03 4:10 am
Hi Rhonda
I'm still pre-op, but I can totally relate with what you're saying. This surgery has some scary risks that go along with it. I'd be more worried if you *weren't* afraid of the unknown. I have a 3-year-old little boy and an adoring husband... I can't imagine (nor do I want to) what life would be like for them if I wasn't around.
It's scary stuff. I have total confidence in my surgeon, but that doesn't mean I'm not afraid. *HUG* I'm sorry I can't help more... If you want to talk, email me.

I'd say about 99% of people who go through this surgery feel like you do! It's perfectly normal to fear the worst. When you think about it, when you go into surgery, your life is in someone else's hands and you are completely out of your own control. Pretty frightening. But you are only about 100lbs overweight, relatively young, and the chances of dying during surgery are probably pretty slim. My boys were 19 and 22 when I had surgery and I had the same thoughts. You are normal, and this says to be that you are not underestimating the seriousness of surgery. I think you will do quite well during and after surgery!