Cook Books
Hi Everyone, I have been on tons of WLS sites and am wondering if anyone has any opinions on any really good cookbooks with "everyday" recipes? I do already have the HG recipe book, but I would love to get more. Any advice would be great, I'd hate to go out and spend money on books, or order them, if they stink. I have a family that includes 9yr old, 5 yr. old and a 4 yr. old, I would love recipes that we could all eat together. Thanks!
PS. What does everyone think about ice cream makers, are they worth it? And has anyone tred any of these Protein ice creams?
PS. What does everyone think about ice cream makers, are they worth it? And has anyone tred any of these Protein ice creams?
Here's a surprizing site...! Click on the magazines tab and then Everyday Food. You can subscribe to a daily email of simple recipes. Most are very band and bypass friendly other than the occassional pastas. The daily emails are basically from issues ofhte magazines. So there is no reason to subscibe to ta magazine. a8e9e64e1611e3bf410b5900aa0/?vgnextoid=4bc9cf380e1dd010VgnVC M1000005b09a00aRCRD&vgnextfmt=default a8e9e64e1611e3bf410b5900aa0/?vgnextoid=4bc9cf380e1dd010VgnVC M1000005b09a00aRCRD&vgnextfmt=default
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