Well I am and it is a long story made short. I was PJever1 when I announced I'm back. Now I am PJslim (most appropriate). As always I am soo glad to be here and thanks to OH volunteers for all of their help and support!
PJ!!!!!! muah hun, boy do I miss you my friend!!
I just got your email and went to reply and your deactivated? WHY is that? Now hold can I get a hold of you now? I am betting I won't even recognize you! I will be heading down your way the end of March, I would sooo love to hang with you for a little bit on my stopover in N. KY! on my way to Gatlinburg with the singles group from OH.com! You will have to email me or something your # and or contact info. Hard to believe we are nearly 3.6 yrs out, who would have ever thought with our trials and tribulations we'd be here, now grads from such a life altering surgery. Certainly not me, I just never thought I would be of a normal size, WOW! Life is ok after all.
xoxo, Vickie