Columbus Event
Hey Gang
I really hope you guys are all set to come to Columbus and are making your reservations. Not only will there be GREAT speakers - Dr. Hurwitz, Dr. Curry, Dr. Strickler - but it will be a blast. All 3 of these men are awesome doctors
and have a lot of helpful information to share.
Also, you can join me in the sports bar for a Buckeye Bash during "The Game."
I have a few Buckeye themed gifts I'm going to give away.
Don't forget - there is also the water park after the conference.
Holla at me and let me know if you're coming so I can look for you!

Sharyn and Pam, You can count on me leading the script Ohio through the bar, as long as I get to dot the I...
I am sooooooooooooo looking forward to this weekend!!! I think its just what I need to recharge my batteries and get motivated.
Tabitha and I are rooming together and are planning to cut loose and go WILD!!
Hugs and kisses
I am hoping to come up for the event! I need some kickin in my butt so I don't gain my weight back.
What time is the game? I have to be back in Dayton for a hockey game by 6 or so but willtry to stop by the party for a little bit.
Save me a seat, I don't know anyone anymore. The only one I know is Amy and I am sure she will be too busy.
LIke Laura said, we are coming up together..we are staying friday night and are planning on going to the water park friday evening, I can get tickets for only $15 instead of the $25 offered thru the site because we are Priority Club Platinum members, so if anyone wants any let me know!!!!
Hope to see you all there!!!