Okay, Buckeye Fans, this Texas girl is coming to town!!
Hi everyone! I am so excited to say...while I was in Ohio visiting, my house sold!!! yep, sold within a week!!! while we were in Ohio, we decided the best was to rent a house, and take our time, buying one. We rented a house in wadsworth. I have several job offers, I really want the job in Medina, at the hospital. It was my favorite hospital. AJ, my DH, has a phone interview this week, he does not have a job firmly planted, so if you hear of any jobs in the area, give me a shout! He is retired from British Military, and he can do anything!! I have talked to couple daycare providers, going to have to search that out when I get there. I am so READY to get invovled in some support groups. I have none here! We are leaving Texas on Sat Nov 4th, and will arrive sunday Nov 5th. The sad part, is Sat is DH b-day, and sun is my DD b-day, but its truly the best blessing we will ever have! minus- the moving, unpacking and that jazz!! Everyone on this board has been so supportive, I know there is atleast one in Wadsworth, I recognize Brunswick, I bet many others. Akron and Cleveland is not far drive at all.
I will keep everyone posted!!