I need tips to prevent my hair from thinning
I was just discussing hair loss with my niece, who just had RNY a little over two months ago, and I told her I was worried about hair loss. My hair is super fine and thin and don't really think thin and bald is a good look. She also said to make sure to get in plenty of protein. Thanks for posting the gms and the info about Biotin and the vitamins.
I too experienced lots of hair loss in that 4th month out. It was coming out in handfulls and I was freaking out big time. But Dr Mikami encouraged me and told me it really was temporary. He had me taking 2 prenatal vitamins a day, added the biotin and recommended the Nioxin shampoo etc. I bought the generic Nioxin at Sally's beauty supply in a kit. It had shampoo, conditioner, and a leave in treatment. It worked wonders for me and now I have a full head of wavy hair. Before my hair started thinning i had thin straight hair and now its full and has lots of body. I think since I am eating healthier now, my hair is happier and curlier. LOL
Hang in there and just keep telling yourself.. This will pass. This will pass. and it will
Miss Laura