Well guys... I finally have a date November 9th. I am so excited.... I have not posted in months as I was for sure I would never get approved after waiting almost a year and being denied once. Anyway, its insane how fast things are moving now.
I have been spending most of my time on these boards reading and looking at before and after pictures in amazement... Here is my concern. I am not so scared of the surgery itself. I love my surg and have 100% confidence in him. I am scared I will fail. Is this normal??? I am scared I will lose all my weight and then put in right back on. I am scared I will stop using it as a tool and figure out ways to eat the things I shouldn't be eating. Why do I feel like this? Has anyone else been more scared about this then the actual surgery and pain? I read about a woman on here that gained 80 pounds back and others that have gained 20,30,40. I am also scared to death of being hungry. I feel like there is no possible way that "I" wont be hungry. I read mixed things about this.
Sorry this is so long... thanks for your support
I am one year out. I am at goal. I can eat anything I want and not get sick. I can eat more larger portions now. You will more than likly be able to do the same. I just take one day at a time. I try my best to eat right. What I do and make sure I do is excercise. I do that daily. If you are a excerciser or plan on picking that up you will benifit from it. Before and after goal. I have had no plastics and need no operations for any lose skin. I am lucky for this. I did do my excercise everyday. and still benifit from it and will do my excercises for the rest of my life if able. You have to take control of yourself. You do not want to gain your weight back. And anyone who is gaining there weight back need to stop. This surgery saved my life. I would never let it back fire.
Best of luck
I think you are sop scared and have read so much. You know what mnot to do. You will be fine
Hi Maris,
You will NOT be hungry, at least for a couple of months. It's the weirdest thing. I did not think it would be possible for me, but really- I was not hungry. I had to remind myself to eat. Now 4.5 months post-op, I do get hungry, but not uncontrollable. I agree that exercise is very very important for maintenance. Funny thing is--you are able to do more intense exercise when you're not carrying around all that extra weight.
You will do fine. Just relax and enjoy the ride!
Don't be scared. I am 4 months post-op. I have had no complications and I am rarely hungry and when I am it's not like before when I would just sit and think about things I wanted to eat. Now I eat about every 3-4 hours and usually things like yogurt, string cheese (lots of string cheese) and protein bars. A typical breakfast for me is one egg and a half piece of toast. I am on a regular diet but I still have no desire to eat. Nothing sounds good to me anymore but that's ok because I have a lot of other things to do besides eat. My energy level has went thru the roof.
I was calm all the way up to the night before surgery and then I was worried the surgery wouldn't work and I wouldn't lose any weight. That however, is not the case. I have lost 70 lbs since May 15th.
Good Luck and follow doctors orders.
Your post is almost identical to one I posted 2-3 weeks ago. I kid you not, I was having 2nd thoughts, ready to throw in the towel on the fear of failing at this very drastic measure. I was afraid I'd be hungry, I was afraid I wouldn't lose the weight, I was afraid I was putting my life in danger for nothing. BUT, I am now 8 days post op, I am not hungry, I, like others have said, have to remind myself to eat. I don't know if or how much weight I've lost (I'm kind of saving it as a surprise when I see the doctor for my follow-up next week...I want it to be big and surprising). I promise you everything you are thinking and feeling IS VERY NORMAL. Everyone said it to me when I posted and I thought they were being nice, saying the right things...but I promise - they are telling the truth. You'll be fine. After all, truly what is the worst thing (besides death, but lets not be morbid) that can happen...we end up back where we started...and we've all done that with diet attempts before. seriously, you're right to question these feelings - but know that they are normal and that you are likely worrying about nothing.