New.. :)
Hi All.. I am new. I live in the Dayton area. I was going to have the surgery once before, but my insurance refused to pay for it, then my life went into a total tail-spin, I got divorced, had a new baby and got married again. :) So I just recently started a new job and found out the insurance covers the surgery- 100%. I work at a school and the principal had it. 100%!!!! can you believe it. So I am going to start my journey.
The help I need is... Why did you chose the surgery you had?? My Prinicpal had the Lap Roun Y. I was going to have the BPD last time. Still interested in having that one.. but the recovery time is much longer. What about the new Lap Band?? That was not really an option about 5 years ago when I was going to have it. Oh yeah.. what about your dr?? Dr. Maguire was my first choice.. but he is now at Miami Valley.. and I refuse to go there.. should I go back on my decisions to never go there? They have tried to kill me twice, once with a miscarriage I was in there 3 months and the other time a nurse went through my vein and did not know and I got an infection.
Soooo... any info would be good..
Brandy, first welcome back. As for your question, I had the by-pass, since my BMI was way too high for the lap-band. Plus, I hate needles and filling the lap-band system kind of stressed me out. Also, my insurance didn't cover it, but they did cover the by-pass. As for doctor's there is only one I would go see and that's Dr. Trace Curry. He is a wonderful and professional person. His office staff is great and always there for you when you need them and something I think is important. Dr. Curry has a great bedside manor, he is a nice guy and will be there 100% for you. But thats my opinion and I'm sure you will have plenty of other people telling you the same thing. Good luck on your road to the other side.

Hi Brandy,
I'm new to this board too. I've been lurking for several months but this is my first post. I have a friend who went to Dr. Maguire almost a year ago and has done very well and is very pleased with him. He was at Kettering at the time though. Have you been to one of his seminars? I'm planning on going to him and went to a seminar at Miami Valley back in April. I've never been to Miami Valley so don't have my own opinion on it, but a few people told me they liked the hospital. Of course, we all have different experiences with hospitals and doctors. The reason Dr. Maguire, and his staff, went to MVH and started a new group "Premier Bariatic Surgeons" was because this way he could focus totally on Bariatric Surgery. MVH wanted to have a Bariatric Surgery program that was a comprehensive program and wanted to become a Center of Excellence. In other words MVH has a Bariatric Surgery Center and all the staff is trained for the care of weight loss surgery patients.
Since reading this board I've seen a lot of people recommend Dr. Curry and I think he does his surgeries at Deaconess. I don't know much about that hospital. My mother was there last year, but was being treated for Alzheimer's so was in a completely different part of the hopsital. Like most places, I liked some of the staff, and some I didn't care for at all.
I'm planning to have Lap RNY - I've just heard so many good things about it. As I said my friend had it and I have a niece who just had it back in July and they both have done great.
Like Pam, my BMI was to high to have the lap band, and I worried that I would still be able to consume high sugar content foods with it. I also had Dr Curry and he is wonderful. Just continue to do your research and go to some seminars to figure out what surgery option will work for you. Good luck on your journey! Its been an amazing life since I lost 200 pounds!

Hi Brandy...welcome!!
I believe in most cases how you are treated at any given hospital esp. on a bariatric wing is a direct reflection of the surgeon..that could be a good thing or a bad thing.
Most bariatric surgeons I know are very particular and are certainly perfectionist. They will not tolerate bad care of their patients.
make sure the program you choose has a good after care program....very important !
There are some great surgeons out there, but beware there are the undesireables your homework..go to seminars and get a feel for the good ones and programs..ask about the after care and what they require before surgery..Ask if they do laparoscopic or open and the ratio for each..ask about the after care program for banders if that is the choice you make...Often times their patients will be available for Q and A after.
I had RNY 3 yrs ago and today knowing what I know, would still make the same choice. the thing I would do differently is study and learn what you can about this surgery and the long term effects, the procedure itself and what docs are the best at what they can look at the surgeons site here on the left of this on it then read about them, not just comments from patients but read about their education as well as training. Many surgeons have gone through fellowship training which is very impresssive...Some have only gone to a weekend courses to learn..some are partnered with another surgeon and are learning this way..I prefer those with the most training..but that is my opinion after spending a lot of time with some of the best.
My personal opinion would be to find the best laparoscopist out there for you...ask questions, talk to him or her one on one. it's important to be comfortable with your choice..a good program will be part of your life after your make a good choice!!
Good luck with your search, if I can help answer any of your questions, send me an email..
[email protected]
Hi Brandy,
This is my first post on this board. I am a patient of Dr. Maguire's. I truly feel he is a wonderful doctor/surgeon who puts his patients well being first at all times. The reason I chose Dr. Maguire was due to his reputation. I believe most of his office staff followed him to MVH as well as some hospital staff. My 1 yr. anniversary is coming up next week. I've lost a total of 115 lbs. and I feel great. If you would like to email me with any questions please feel free. My email address is: [email protected]
I really would suggest you go to one of his seminars and ask the questions of concern you have to him.
I wish you the very best in your research and decision making.