New to this
Hello I am new to this site and not sure what I am doing. I have made a appointment to meet Dr Lane first week of October. I have been debating, talking with people for over a year and I am ready and need to have this done. I am just not sure what is the best route for me. Everyone I have talked to had their 5 plus years ago and I understand the procedures are very different now. I would like to talk with someone who could let me know what to expect. As I said I have not yet spoken with the doctor, but from what I have read the ban is not for me, that is of course if I am approved.Any help would be greatly appreciated.

In addition to asking questions here...Ohio State holds regular meetings (they say for pre-op, post-op, and informational meetings but anyone is welcomed to any meeting) and they can help as well. And of course, talk to your doctors. I researched all over the internet for years and found that OH is one of the most comprehensive out there. Sometimes its overwhelming - just ask.

Hi Tom,
Dr. Lane? He's in Bowling Green, isn't he? Seems like I read somewhere that he is known for the duodenal switch. Look him up and see what everyone has to say about him. He moved to Bowling Green from Michigan a little while ago. His patients love him. I live in Bucyrus and actually thought about going to him, but he's not on our insurance. (I'm having mine done at OSU)
All I can say is, read, read, read, Tom. That's what I've been doing. Everything I can get my hands on. Maybe they even have an information session you can attend.
Good Luck,
Welcome to our family Tom.
I too have no regrets other than not starting the process sooner. I am 15 months out and have gone from 310 to 140 pound and feel incredible. I was dying a miserable death and felt like I was 70 years old.. Now I feel better than I did in my 20's.. I swim, dance, ride roller coasters, work full time, walk without pain and LIVE!!!
We are here for you throughout your journey.
The best of luck to you as you make your decision. It will be the best choice of your entire life.
Miss Laura