0 to 120mph in 4 seconds!
0 to 120mph in 4 seconds! What a thrill
Today I met a personal goal I had hoped to accomplish before the end of summer!
I had the best Roller Coaster experience EVER! Top Thrill Dragster, located in Sandusky, Ohio at Cedar Point, goes from 0 to 120mph in 4 seconds taking you STRAIGHT UP at a 90 degree angle (with a twist at the top for good measure) 420 feet and then back down again. It was AWESOME! The best part was that the park was not busy at all and we only waited 20 minutes to ride it. During peak season, the wait can be upwards of 2 hours or more! I can't wait to go back on Sunday and ride it again.. If you would like, check out my profile to see a picture of me on the ride.
Happy coastering to all!
~Dan B.
By the way, hands up on take off and ride uphill, a little scarier on the way down!
Thank you for your comments Sandy!
Yes, I can't wait for the MAXPASS next year.. We live 1 1/2 hours away from Geagua Lake and my brother lives 20 miles from Kings Island. I have visited both parks already this year, but only once since my pass did not include it. Can't wait for next years pass.
~Dan B.
Congratulations Dan! You have come a long way, keep up the fantastic job!
One of the biggest Wow's I had this summer was when I went to Cedar Point in July! Last time I had been there, about 7 yrs ago, I was the girl they asked to step back off a couple of the rides, I just didn't fit. I gave up and just kind of sat around the rest of the time there.
NOT THIS YEAR! I RODE EVERYTHING, I FIT, NOBODY LOOKED AT ME FUNNY! One of the biggest Wow's I had this summer was when I went to Cedar Point in July! Last time I had been there, about 7 yrs ago, I was the girl they asked to step back off a couple of the rides, I just didn't fit. I gave up and just kind of sat around the rest of the time there.
NOT THIS YEAR! I RODE EVERYTHING, I FIT, NOBODY LOOKED AT ME FUNNY! I cannot wait to go again! WOOHOOO!!!! Top Thrill wasn't my favorite, still kind of jolted my back a little too much, [that's me though] My fav is MAXAIR, [neener to the sissys that wouln't go on it with me at K.I. last August,
] I rode that many times over, wooEEE, loved it!! I so missed this & so many other "fun" moments in life. Now I've been making up for those lost moments! WoooEEEE Life is FUN again!
hugs, Vickie

Hi Vickie,
Nice to see you again.. I was wondering what happened to you over the summer.
Isn't it the best feeling to be able to ride EVERYTHING?? Actually, I have one more (Millenium) to be able to fit into. I will be there opening day next year to get on it though! I agree, MaXair is one of the best rides ever! The air time you get on the up swing is awesome. I have ridden it more times than I can remember this summer. My ritual using my Joe Cool pass (to get in the park early) this summer was to ride Raptor a couple of times and then over to MaXair for a couple of rides.. It has been wonderful catching up for lost time.. If you are ever at Cedar Point and need a ride partner, shoot me an email. My wife doesn't ride, so I am usually on it by myself!
Congrats on your success and best of luck to you!
~Dan B.