Debbie Brown Home and Hurting
I made it!... I will have to say it was pretty rough with the open and gall bladder removal also.. I was suposed to go into surgery at 930 and they didn't take me back in until 1215. I still wasn't nrevous, just SO ready... First day I did pretty good then, slowly it started taking it's toll... I am pretty beaten right now. And living on Boost plus water and painkiller.... If the gas was gone I think it would be much better... But I thank all of you for your support..That is really what helped get me through... Through all of you I knew what to expect. And I knew if I needed any questions answered you would be here!. I just keep thinking this too shall pass...and each day i will get a little better...I am trying to walk it off...I am so happy to finally be on the losing side...I will post more later... Just wanted to update and thank everyone.