2nd thoughts...
You need to read "Before and AFter" by Susan Maria Leach. I'm having the same type of anxiety as you are about favorite restaurants and missing the foods that I love (I'm a carb-aholic). After reading her book I realized that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, it's just a little down the road.
She eats all of her favorites, the recipes have just been tweeked to fit her "diet".
My daughter had wls 4 years ago, and she eats everything I eat now only in moderation. She weighs 115 lbs. and wears a size 2, she looks great. About the only thing she can't handle is milk, she has become lactose intolerant. And when she really craves ice cream she eats frozen yogurt.
I have a feeling a lot of people have 2nd thoughts about the surgery as it draws closer. I don't even have my date yet. Hang in there, I'm sure after it's over you'll be glad you went through with it.
Hi Princess T,
I am 3 weeks post op and i know how you feel...I would love to go out and eat a nice steak right now BUTTT..even if i did i could only hold like 2 bites AND i would throw it back up because my stomach cannot handle breaking it down...Its really not so bad but i must admit i do think about some of the things i used to eat before..so what i do is puree them if they are allowed lol..cure ya in a minute. But really oh my gawd i have just lost like 38 lbs so far and im feeling great...my clothes already are bagging..its just so awesome...is so worth it...
i am 43 years old...i wish i had of done this when i was younger so i would not have missed out on a lot of what i did. After your surgery you are not hungry like you are now..you will probably crave something...my food of choice was chocolate and i dont even want that now...so i dont think you will have a big problem like you think you will..a lot of it is in our heads...
i went to a bbq last week with all kinds of good foods that i remembered...well i made me a plate of all this stuff im not suppose to have...just a bite here n here not lots of stuff but i was not suppose to have it non the less..well i had about 4 bites total..and i could not digest it..came right back up...so i learned my lesson...now if u do this too soon u can mess up your staples but i waited a bit and of course now i wont try that again lol.
I am not sure this helps you but trying to be honest about how i feel....would i do it again...YES no doubt i would....The new me is on the way and im kinna liking her hehe.
Good luck to ya in what ever you choose
Dear Princess, I aggree with the other posters, and Sept 19th is my birthday!! You will be missing your favorite foods for a few months, but will be able to start adding one at a time, till you see what your new tummy will accept. Also, I didn't believe this , but it's true, you will change what food tastes like. I took a swallow of pepsi a few weeks ago, I swear, what was the big attraction? I am a Mt. Dew girl myself, but once that stuff gets out of your system you will loose your cravings, and then you do taste it, it just donsn't taste the same. And another BIG thing, it is so rewarding to feel your clothes get looser and looser and finally you just give them away and go to smaller sizes. You will look so much prettier in your clothes too!!! It was a big sacrifice for me to give up my favorite foods, but I am so pleased with the new me, I feel it is definitly worth it..I can fit in a public restroom now lol!! I was also afraid if the operation wouldn't work for me?? there always is an exception to the rule, you know? I figured I would go through all this and still gain weight, but I lost weight, and I bet you will too. I am so thankful God has given me my life back.
Thank you Peggy...Funny isn't it, that we think bad things will never happen to us, but then when faced with this we think we WILL be the one who it happens to (failure I mean)? Well even if it fails, I have to give it a try. So its good. I know its a cliche used by many - but nothing tastes as good as thin feels - I want to test it.
Have you looked into all procedures? The DS, for instance will allow many of what you're worried about missing, and a tiny smidgeon of the others without any bad punishments. I eat steak and BW3 regularly because I malabsorb 80% of the fat I take in, and cheesecake with splenda and real cream cheese. As for red velvet cake, I may have half a sliver, but I have no ill effects.
Its not too late to look into it. Now, I'm not knocking other surgeries because they all have their place and their purpose. With the DS, it's more expensive and more complicated, then you have to be very diligent about keeping yourself properly nourished. It is more forgiving with the foods. You can eat more quantity AND variety with no dumping and no strictures.
It's worth a look, but whatever you decide, the best decision is a well-informed one. I just hate to hear of people with regrets because they jumped on the first procedure they knew of without finding out more about their options.