direct exclusion?
Is there ANY way to overturn direct exclusions???
I cant tell you how frustrated I am. ive been trying to get WLS for 3 yrs. Each road i reach has a barrior.
my company switched policies on me, the next one had a direct exclusion. got them to offer me a different plan, was almost to approval, and got downsized.
i have crappy credit so cant get loan, job now, but the insurance (medical mutual super med) has direct exclusion.
any suggestions????
Hugs, i'll be keeping you in my prayers... i dont know anything about insurance, i even had a question about my insurance...
i just wanted you to know your not alown out there on the limb of insurancehell.. sometimes i cant help but think its not right that someone else gets to dictate if we can or can not get healthy.. its very frustrating, but i have to keep the faith and know God will be here no matter if no one else is
God bless you

Just a little FYI if you look for an attorney as Dr C. said, think twice before you use Gary Viscio. I do NOT recomend him and there is at least 1 other woman that I know of that did not get any results from him and ended up a self pay because she got tired of trying to contact him with no results. If you want details please feel free to e-mail me. I realize that an attorney cannot guarantee results but there are details that were totally wrong and he is impossible to contact after he gets your $$.