I'm off
I'm getting ready to head to the hostipal. Amazingly I am calm and ready to go. I truly believe I am in GOD's hands and he will take care of me no matter what. Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who has supported and encouraged me in the past 6 months. I'll be joining you all on the loser's bench very soon.
GOD bless.
Hello there! Been keeping busy here. Just finished a tile project, it was hard on the knees, but so beautiful and so worth it! It is a job that I wouldn't have attempted 100 pounds ago, that is for sure! Thank you again Dr. Curry!
How are you? When are you coming here for a visit? We are having a cookout this weekend, you are welcome to come. It will probably be the last swimming of the season...
Take care and tell Dr. Martin I said hello !

Tile work?! That sounds great. It's about time you started earning your keep, LOL!!
A cookout sounds great, but I'm not exactly walking upright yet. And I'm not going anywhere dragging these drain tubes around. I may have to wait until next week since they are still draining quite a bit. But I'm also afraid to get them out, I can't even stand to be touched anywhere near them. I'm going to loose my mind when they come out. He better pull them all at once and knock me out! How long did your stay in?