Lap Bands fills in Ohio.... after surgery in Mexico
Does anyone know if there is a Doctor in the Cleveland area that will do a lap band fills if you're banded in Mexico. My sister in law is considering surgery but due to not having insurance to cover WLS, there aren't too many other options. Please advise if you know of a Doctor that will do fills??!?!!?
I'm not sure about a doctor who will do the fills, but does your sil know that the fills are about $250 each time and not usually covered by insurance? That issue was brought up at a seminar I was at for lap bands. As the presenter said -- that is $250 now -- who knows how the price will go up in the coming years. Good luck to your sil.

I would suggest to call around to many of the surgeons offices in the area...I have been in recent meetings and hear surgeons discuss this issue..many don't want to do fills on someone who went elsewhere to have the surgery. If they do the price is so high that having someone local might be the more affordable option. Call the bariatric centers and ask what the cost of a fill would be..make sure you state that the band was done out of country, also ask if there is a fee along with that..Most centers charge a fee to each person who joins their program, they also want these folks to go through the education process as well.. If their own patients need to do it they do not feel it's fair to allow an out of country bander walk in for a fill only...
I keep telling those that bring it up..educate yourself and make sure of what you are getting into, there are a lot of hidden cost in going out of the country...